How to Become a Game Developer? (2023) Making Games From Scratch

    How to Become a Game Developer? (2023) Making Games From Scratch

    How to become a game developer from scratch? For this, you will be able to become a game developer within 1 year or even in a short time depending on your continuous work by following the following steps.

    How to Become a Game Developer
    How to Become a Game Developer 2023

    The technology that develops with the development of humanity is evolving more than we can imagine with the reason I say evolution is because technology is developing so fast that we cannot predict what it will look like 100 years from now. Even 80-90 years ago, people did not know what a concept called television was, but now we are aware of all the media and the world thanks to those televisions. We shouldn’t just look at it as communication.

    How to become a game developer? for In today’s conditions, this technology also affects the entertainment industry. We produce games in various categories, market them and enable users to experience them. This game has created a business that we call a game. People earn a salary and survive in this sector. We cannot even say that they just earn a salary. Some people earn millions of dollars in this industry. In this context, how can we become Game Developers? We will convey the subject to you.

    How to Become a Game Developer?

    We can say that being a Game Developer is not for everyone. The reason for this is to be unable to keep up with developing technology and to say that developing games is a matter of money rather than a love affair. Making games is an art as drawing is an art. We’ve made it a step-by-step guide for you. Let’s move on to our guide.

    how to become a video game developer
    how to become a video game developer

    1. Trust Yourself

    The gaming industry directly throws out those who are not self-confident. This is true for almost every industry. Trust yourself to become a Game Developer and launch games!

    2. Dedicate Yourself to Your Game

    There is a tough market in front of you. Game Developer means not getting bored. Many game developers have devoted their lives to the games they make. Of course, the games are now held as a team. Single people usually make more minimal games. What if you will be the one hanging cowboy or the person working in a team environment? Keep in mind this “Step 2”.

    3. Be Free

    The mediocrity in games is one of the most hated features. They love to play and classic game addicts play games to color their ordinary lives with your dreams. Game development is to reveal your world. You might say you’re exaggerating too much. But you will understand that you are wrong the moment you step into this sector. Because there is no rule in drawing your world. No Rules!

    4. Set Your Goal

    If you were excited while reading this article and wanted to face all the difficulties of this job, then you have an arrow and a bow in your hand. I express this often in my articles and motivational speeches. The bow and arrow in your hand are your skill and effort. The target is the target board on which the arrow will hit quickly. If you do not have one of these three, you will not be able to do your job. Game development is the same. If you don’t have a goal, you will get bored and go back to step two.

    5. Always Be an Expert and Improve Yourself

    The game industry is a constantly developing sector. There is no question of stagnation for a sector that is already directly connected to technology. The game industry is developing, technology is developing, but while these develop, would it be right not to improve yourself? Of course not.
    You should not crush yourself in the renewed and constantly updated game market. You make art after all, right? 😊

    6. Take part in a team

    Single cowboys can look at me from the side. But they shouldn’t get angry and break the pot just like that. The purpose of our step here is this. You are having some kind of meal. No matter how good this dish is, people get bored of eating this food every day.

    If you increase the variety of this dish to three, five, or ten. You also get the taste of what you eat. This also applies to people who are Game Developers. Being stuck alone can cause trouble or not get a taste of what they do.
    However, joining a team and taking part in new projects allows you to get more tastes. It also takes you one step further in teamwork that you can experience in the future.

    7. Be Planned!

    “Are you thinking of developing a game? You cannot achieve anything. ” we need to close the mouth of those who say. Everything happens to you. Just believe in yourself. Here is what I want to draw attention to;
    Being planned ensures that things do not get into each other. In addition, this comfort it brings opens your way and you will see how your project will progress. Foresight is a must in the industry. Work Planned to achieve this!

    8. be patient

    Being a Game Developer and making games is a process. I know you’ll get bored once in a while. You might even hate your favorite Game Developer job. But this job is love. When you realize this, the saying “Who loves the rose bears his thorn” will always ring in your ears. As long as you persevere, you will succeed. As you strive, you will succeed. You will succeed because you are!

    Programs Used to Develop Games

    There are many game engines on the market. I am writing this episode assuming a person who has just stepped into the game world. First of all, What is a Game Engine?

    programs used to develop games
    How to Become a Game Developer: programs used to develop games

    How to become a game developer? Another important issue you need to know before searching for answers to the question is, Game Engines are programs that people or companies use with a huge amount of knowledge. These programs have free and paid versions. These engines, which are generally paid, are frequently used by Game Developers, even all the time. Although not many, there are rarely companies and individuals that make their game engines.
    We also made the definition of Game Engine. Now we can move on to the most used Game Making programs.

    1. Unity

    how to become a game developer unity
    how to become a game developer unity

    How to become a game developer? Unity is the simplest example of this. Unity game engine is a program that originated almost 15 years ago and is primarily used to develop various games and simulations on computers, mobile devices, tablets, and game consoles. Even I felt uncomfortable calling this game engine a program right now. So if this is a program, what do I think about other programs.

    The information library it contains is very wide. In addition, this game engine is the licensed game engine of the company called Unity Technologies. So, what is the difference between Unity, whose general features we have mentioned, from other programs? The differences are as follows;

    • It has an easy-to-use interface.
    • The basic version is free and the other paid version is sold for small amounts.
    • The ability to offer a wide variety of games. For example; While you can make 3D games with Unity, you can freely make 2D games.
    • Being able to write code is also a very important feature that makes Unity stand out. While graphics and blocks are used in other Game Engines, Game Developers can add any code and feature to their game in this program.
    • Game developers can choose this program because games that are compatible with multiple types of devices can be designed.
    • Finally, the most important thing is that it has easily accessible lessons.

    2. Unreal Engine

    how to become a game developer unreal engine
    how to become a game developer unreal engine

    When we call games, the first games that come to mind are generally Fortnite, Gears of War Series, and Batman: Arkham. “So why did you say such a sentence now?” I can hear you say. The reason I made this sentence is that these games are developed by various Game Developers in the Unreal Engine Program.

    Game owners with a high player mass do not want to use game engines that do not belong to them. Because they cannot customize the game and they want to give the game an updated version, the Game Engine cannot fully provide this update. Unreal Engine, unlike other game engines, can develop all games. For this reason, it is among the most used game engines.

    3. GameMaker Studio

    how to become a game developer gamemaker studio
    how to become a game developer game maker studio

    Perhaps this is the most used Game Making software. You ask why? Because no coding knowledge is required to make a game in this program. So you can choose this program to make games without code knowledge.

    It might sound very different. Why would so many Game Developers have as much code knowledge as a library? GameMaker Studio allows you to make games in an amateurish way. You cannot expect a GTA a CS:GO from GameMaker Studio. I recommend it to those who want to do this job as a hobby.

    What Software Languages Do I Need to Know to Become a Game Developer?

    what software languages do I need to know to become a game developer
    what software languages do I need to know to become a game developer?

    As a result of the technology index of today’s professions, most people cannot get used to this situation. There are even people who commit suicide because of the technological pressure on them. We have to adapt to my time to overcome this. Developing conditions give rise to developing people. This is what it takes to become a Game Developer. Software … Don’t run away, you will say it sounds difficult. Of course, this profession may have a few difficulties. But this cannot quench your determination and desire.

    The software is divided into huge branches. As various languages emerge, they become richer in this sector and try to make their voice heard by the whole of humanity. I will recommend to you the software languages you need to learn. Which to learn or which to learn is up to you. So let’s start with our first language.

    1. Java

    We can say that it is a language that is used because it is easy to learn and has so many resources. This language, which you can use not only for games but for anything you can think of, also contributes a lot to learning other languages due to its similarity to C software languages. A few games that you will be surprised to hear were written in this language. The games made are as follows; Minecraft, Assassin’s Creed: Altaïr’s Chronicles, and other well-known games.

    2. C#

    C# can be the perfect programming language for beginners. With C#, it is possible to make 2 and 3 Dimensional games over Unity 3D. While Unity 3D used to support the Java language, as a result of the latest updates with the developing technology and developing software language, Unity has now offered C# support permanently. Of course, different programs can be made with the C# language, but if you are planning to start at the beginner level, C# may be your priority for this. Generally, popular games made with C# are Rust, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, and Firewatch.

    3. C++

    If you say, “All together, let me learn, let me learn” this language is for you. The fact that it is a highly preferred language by Game Developers and that it is not saturated with updates proves the reliability of this language. The answer to questions such as how to make a game is hidden in this language. You will open that door.

    Games made with C++ software language, although it is not well known; League of Legends, Counter-Strike, World of Warcraft, and Doom 3

    How Much Do Game Developers Make?

    Before you learn Game Developer Salary, How To Become A Game Developer? We were able to answer his question. It can be said that the concept of relativity prevails in this regard.

    A Game Developer, who has just started this business and has recently graduated from university, can earn a monthly fee of $8000-10000 from game agencies in the United States while earning more than 6000-12000 Euros per month from companies in Germany.

    Game Developer, who does not want to work on a salary, can even earn millions by developing their project. As I mentioned at the beginning, this sector is free. Whatever you do, do it differently by reflecting on your imagination.

    After you do your job well, money comes after you, don’t worry. This was our content. We hope you found answers to all the questions in your mind. I suggest you check out our Gameplay Developer website for more details!

    Do Game Developers make good money?

    Game Developers earn very well depending on the game they are developing. As an example, if your game appeals globally and has become popular, it will save you a minimum of 80 thousand dollars per month.
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