Melting glaciers spread virus: May trigger a new pandemic

    The Royal Society magazine, Canadianscientists believe that the next pandemic North Polehidden in the melting ice of from virusesone that …

    Melting glaciers spread virus: May trigger a new pandemic
    The Royal Society magazine, Canadianscientists believe that the next pandemic North Polehidden in the melting ice of from virusesone that identifies your articlepublished.

    The anthrax epidemic in 2016 is cited as an example

    threat better understandscientists for the Arctic Lake Hazen He took soil samples from Then in these examples DNAby isolating known close to his DNA as possible matching examplesfound and their different sets of organisms don’t infectcalculating the probability programthey worked.

    ancient viruses, through melt wateranimals and their will pass to people is stated. Because, North Poleparticles from Lake Hazen in genetic analysisthis scenario provingand risk where glaciers melt higher . As an example of such a development 2016in the year anthrax epidemic can be displayed. From him beforethe last anthrax epidemic 1941‘ he said.

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