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    Valuable cooperation from Türk Telekom on next generation portable network technologies

    Türk Telekom is furthering its pioneering role in open source new generation technologies. Continuing its global cooperation, Türk Telekom …

    Valuable cooperation from Türk Telekom on next generation portable network technologies
    Türk Telekom is furthering its pioneering role in open source new generation technologies. Continuing its global cooperation, Türk Telekom agreed with Parallel Wireless and the US Trade and Development Agency on Open RAN (Open Radio Access Network) trials, which play a valuable role in strengthening the ecosystem for 5G technologies.

    To be tested on 5G and all ‘G’ technologies

    Turkish telecomParallel Wireless, one of the leading companies in cloud-based wireless networks and smart RAN architecture, will test all ‘G’ technologies (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G), especially 5G, which supports Open RAN standards.

    Within the scope of the project, Open RAN Alliance compliant; 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G network technologies will be tested for network compatibility and performance of all software and hardware capabilities. At the same time, the integration of the RIC module, which provides smart management to the access networks, into the Türk Telekom network established within the scope of the project will be ensured.

    In the project carried out with the grant of USTDA, the patented RIC (Intelligent Access Network Controller) technology, a valuable module of Open RAN architecture, which Juniper Networks has producted with the partnership of Netsia, Türk Telekom’s subsidiary in the USA, will also be integrated into the test network.


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